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Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Taix French Restaurant, Los Angeles, CA

September 14, 2017

President, Shannon Connolly called the meeting to order and welcomed guests and members. The names of 21 attendees are placed on record.

Dr. Connolly turned the floor over to Rebecca Grisby and Susan Goetzinger, Program Analysts for the Medical Board of California. They were invited to introduce the Expert Reviewer program and answer questions from our members who might be interested in becoming an Expert Reviewer. Members were directed to the following email address: mbcmedicalexpertprogram@mbc.ca.gov

The minutes for the May 19, 2017, Executive Board and Member Meeting were approved by unanimous consent as written in the August Newsletter, and in the Agenda.

Dr. Nzinga Graham presented a written report of the January 1 – August 31, 2017, Treasurer’s Report. The report was accepted as presented and approved by unanimous consent. (See the Finances Page at LAAFP.org to review this report.)

Dr. Connolly introduced Alexandra Colt, a 3rd year medical student from Keck School of Medicine at USC who received a scholarship from our chapter to attend the 2017 AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students in Kansas City.  Alexandra expressed her thankfulness for the generous scholarship that allowed her that opportunity. She was one of 30 students who were selected to present their research project poster. Alexandra’s research investigated adolescent sleep and well-being through an educational intervention course she designed and taught. Her report to our members was very well received.

Dr. Connolly called everyone’s attention to the Nominating Committee Report that was printed in the Agenda while opening the floor for nominations.  A Dr. Scott Nass, who was new to our chapter and had expressed interest in becoming active in the LAAFP had contacted Dr. Connolly.  Already being acquainted with him personally, she nominated him as an Alternate-Delegate for 2018-19.  The nominations were closed and accepted as presented.

There were no Standing Committee or Board of Directors reports.

The meeting was adjourned.

Following the meeting, Dr. Leo Moore, MD, MSHPM, delivered a CME lecture entitled “HIV Prevention with PrEP.”  Dr. Moore is the Associate Medical Director/Clinical Prevention Specialist and Chief of Provider Support and Quality Assurance for the Division of HIV and STD Programs (DHS)) at Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.  Dr. Moore can be reached at lmoore@ph.lacounty.gov.